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Blazers Player/Parent Guidelines

The guidelines below are provided to help with family expectations and communication for your player/family.  We ask for your cooperation to help ensure an enjoyable season.

Playing Time

The Blazers philosophy is that all players are guaranteed playing time during pool play so long as they attend practices and give a strong effort to improve their game. During bracket play, coaches are not required to play each player on the roster, meaning that playing time is not guaranteed throughout the season. Playing time is 100% earned and will be determined solely by the decision of our coaches. 


Team Game

Throughout the season, players may be asked to play positions that are new to them or bat in a different spot in the lineup than they are familiar with. While we would like to guarantee that each player will maintain her spot on the field all season, our coaches are responsible for fitting all of the pieces together to form a “team,” and will try to balance each player's personal development around the team's overall needs. If all players pull for their teammates, they will be rewarded with a fulfilling experience that will serve them later in life.  We understand that it is difficult for players to see this at times, but parents, please, encourage your child to embrace all opportunities as we try to encourage all girls to be as versatile as they can. 


Parents are not expected to “coach” the players during the game unless asked upon by the coaching staff. Parents should let the coaches do their jobs and refrain from giving instruction during the games even if they disagree with the decisions of the coaching staff. Coaches will not allow parents to be in or near the dugouts, and parents that comment and offer instruction without permission will be asked to sit along the outfield sideline.


Private Instruction

While we do have coaches in our program who can provide players with individual instruction, we do encourage all players to receive private instruction throughout the season with an instructor who is beneficial to her. Please do not schedule private lessons during a scheduled team practice or game as this will be considered a non-excused absence. 


On Time

Please ensure that your child is on time for all practices and games. Being on time means that the player has her spikes on and is ready to begin warmups at the scheduled time. Should the player be running late to the game or practice, please communicate with the coaching staff as soon as possible. Repeat late offenders are subject to reduced playing time at the discretion of the coaching staff.


Excused Absences

If your child is unable to attend a practice or game, please notify the coaching staff as early as possible.  Generally, excused absences such as family functions, school activities, graduations, standardized tests, etc. are scheduled well in advance, so please make your coach aware of the date prior to 24 hours before the scheduled game or practice. When early notice is received, the coach can avoid scheduling tournaments and games on busy days and can avoid the chance of being shorted players for a specific date. Obviously, illness and emergencies are unavoidable but can be communicated before practice or game time. Repeated absences and excuses will affect playing time and whether the coaching staff will allow them to remain on the team. 


Unexcused Absences

As a part of the Blazers organization, we expect our players to make all game and practices throughout the season. Should a player miss a game or practice on an unexcused absence, which is solely the discretion of the coaching staff, the player may be subject to not playing in the next game. Should this player continuously miss games and practices, the coaching staff is allowed to remove the player from the team immediately. We understand that things come up, but please communicate with your coaching staff to ensure a fair result for the missed event. 



The Blazers do their best to provide effective coaches that have a passion for the game, however, like everyone else, we do  make mistakes. We expect our coaches to adhere to the playing guidelines stated above, respect the players and parents, and provide a competitive atmosphere that allows the players to excel. Each of our coaches are qualified and required to know the rules and regulations prior to the start of tournament, so please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions regarding the field of play.



While we do our best to avoid conflicts, we do understand that an issue may arise throughout the season. Should you have a concern, please do not confront the coaches in front of any players or other families, and please do not approach them immediately following a game. We ask that all conflicts try to be handled between the coaches prior to escalating it to management. If your situation is not resolved to your satisfaction, please contact Chris Hervieux at

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